Paul's Ministry chords - The Isaacs

The Isaacs Chords

How to Play "Paul's Ministry" Guitar chords

Swap ↔ or rotate ↻ the device
Capo 2

The Lord said stand up Paul
And dry off your tears
You must preach the Gospel for many long years
Go down to Damascus, the street thats called straight
                     D       A             D
My servant will tell you the road you must take

I counted on Adam
I counted on Kain
I counted on Jonah, but he was the same
I counted on Judas, but he proved untrue
So go tell the world Paul 
    A           D
I'm counting on you D Three days have gone by Lord A And still I can't see D Here comes Ananias with a message for me G He said "Brother Paul, the Lord in the sky D A D has sent me to heal you and to open your eyes" D I'll send you to the Gentiles A I'll send you to Rome D And Paul you will suffer til I call you home G You must sleep on the desert be shipwrecked at sea D A D But just go right on preaching the Gospel for me D I counted on Adam A I counted on Kain D I counted on Jonah, but he was the same G I counted on Judas, but he proved untrue D So go tell the world Paul A D I'm counting on you

The Isaacs Chords & Tabs List