Badly Bent chords - Tractors

Tractors Chords Tractors Lyrics

How to Play "Badly Bent" Guitar chords

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Badly Bent
By The Tractors

    G                               C              G 
I'm goin' back to the country, 'cos I can't pay my rent
  C              G                               D     G
I may not be completely broke, but, brother, I'm badly bent
             C                      G
I don't understand, where the money went
        D                    G
I'm not broke, but I'm badly bent

     G                          C             G
They warned me about the city: about the city life
    C                     G                D       G  
But I thought I knew everything: I took no one's advice
                 C                    G
Now I don't know where, all the money went
               D                    G
I might not be broke, but I'm badly bent

      G                        C                   G
Yeah, I am just a country boy, tryin' to make some sense
        C               G                             D     G  
But I'd like to ask the Congress; I'd like to ask the president C G "Can you tell me where all the money went D G "We might not be broke, but we're badly bent” All right, Walt! G C G Between the telephone, gas and electric bills, car payment and the rent C G D G Give it everything I got, can't seem to make a dent C G I don't understand where the money went D G I'm not broke but I'm badly bent C G Can you tell my where, all the money went D G I might not be broke, but I'm badly bent

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