One Soul Now chords - Cowboy Junkies

Cowboy Junkies Chords Cowboy Junkies Lyrics

How to Play "One Soul Now" Guitar chords

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INTRO:  C F Ab Gb 2x then F


C        F         Ab       Gb
 Abandon all those precious things.
C F        Ab
  One soul now
C      F         Ab       Gb
 Carry only what twilight brings.
C F        Ab
  One soul now
C          F         Ab          Gb
 Watch the colour drain from the sky
C F        Ab
  One soul now
C         F          Ab       Gb
 Stillness settles, glides on by.
C F        Gb  F
  One soul now


 Bb                 F
 I don't understand how these things
C Bb Move the way they do. F C Bb Collide the way they do. F C Bb Feel the way they do. C Bb F When we touch the way we do. VERSE: C F Ab Gb Fireflies drift on a midnight fog. C F Ab One soul now C F Ab Gb Twinkling gifts from a puzzling god. C F Gb One soul now C F Ab Gb Journey out into the fields. C F Ab One soul now C F Ab Gb Crane our necks and watch us wheel. C F Gb F One soul now CHORUS: Bb F I don't understand how these things C Bb Move the way they do. F C Bb Collide the way they do. F C Bb Feel the way they do. C Bb F Gb F Gb F Ab F When we touch the way we do. Bb F I don't understand how these things C Bb Move the way they do. F C Bb Collide the way they do. F C Bb Feel the way they do. C Bb F When we touch the way we do. C F Ab Gb Feel the weight of all those slings C F Ab One soul now C F Ab Gb Carrying only what twilight brings C F Ab F One soul now C F Gb F One soul now

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