Beautiful Circle2 chords - Sara Storer

Sara Storer Chords

How to Play "Beautiful Circle2" Guitar chords

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G  320033



There's work to be done, you had a good go
The tractor is ready there's plenty to sow
This years the year with good looking ground
And I'm feeling good as I make my way round.

Down comes my dinner and then I'm away
Nothing is better with tea buts and cake,
        C                    D
But its dry Sao biscuits and who's to complain
 	   C          D        G          G/F# 
'Cause the tractor is ready to go round again. CHORUS: G Oh it's a beautiful circle, so I don't go insane C I'll drive up and down, and up and down again D C D G But as soon as I'm right, I might try going round again VERSE: G The cheeky old fox he's been using my light D He's lucky me tractors not armed for the night C D The owl's out here to, swoopin the ground C D G I'll help you again on my way back around VERSE: G I've been out in the paddock all night and a bit D And my takeover driver should be down with the ute C D So I call on the channel but I can't track him down C D G G/F# So goodmorning sunrise I'll race you around CHORUS: BRIDGE: C G This is my life and we understand C D Me and my tractor going round and round CHORUS: TAG: G C Oh it's a beautiful circle, so I don't go insane C I'll drive up and down, and up and down again D When I've had enough of that C D G I might try over and back.

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