How to Play "The Way It Is Now" Guitar chords
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F Dm Bb Bb
F Dm Bb Bb
[Verse 1]
F Dm
Wakin' up with this feelin'
Like everyone's figured it out except me
F Dm
In my head, in my stories
Heart's so heavy I forget to breathe
C Dm
Determining the future
Gm Bb
Like anyone knows what's around the bend
C Dm Bb
I can stand still, I can change like the wind
Bb F C
This is the way it is now
Dm Bb
Even with the darkness nippin' at my heels
C Dm Bb
The goodness is still dancin' me around
This is the way it is now
Dm Bb
It's a hard time, but it's our time
C Dm
And someday we'll be looking back
C/G Bb
Missin' the way it is now
F C Dm Bb
C Dm Bb Bb
[Verse 2]
F Dm
Written words on pages
Love letters for another time
F Dm
Loving me through phases
Even the ones I wanna leave behind
C Dm
Long walks and sunshine
Gm Bb
To warm up my blood when I'm down and out
C Dm Bb
Watchin' thoughts like clouds in my mind
Bb F C
This is the way it is now
Dm Bb
Even with the darkness nippin' at my heels
C Dm Bb
The goodness is still dancin' me around
This is the way it is now
Dm Bb
It's a hard time, but it's our time
C Dm
And someday we'll be looking back
C/G Bb
Missin' the way it is now
C/G Bb
This is the way it is now
C Bb
Bb C Bb
Long walks, sunshine
C Bb C
Clouds in my mind
Bb C Bb
Long walks, sunshine
C Bb C
Clouds in my mind
This song's structure is beautifully simple yet profoundly emotive,
drawing on folk and acoustic influences that Sarah Jarosz is known for.
Its chord progression is approachable for guitarists of all levels,
making it a perfect piece to learn for both beginners and experienced
players who appreciate nuance in songwriting.
Introduction & Verse Chord Progressions
The song begins with an introduction that sets the tone, using a progression
of F, Dm, and Bb chords repeated twice. This progression is a foundation
throughout the song, creating a reflective and slightly melancholic atmosphere
that's characteristic of the song's theme.
For the verses, you'll use the same chord progression (F, Dm, Bb)
to accompany the lyrics. This repetition serves to reinforce the song's emotional
depth and allows the storytelling in the lyrics to take center stage.
When playing these chords, focus on the rhythm and dynamics to convey
the song's mood effectively. Gentle strumming or fingerpicking can be used
here to match the song's introspective nature.
Pre-Chorus & Chorus Enhancements
Moving to the pre-chorus, the addition of a C chord before returning to the Dm
and then introducing a Gm chord before resolving back to Bb brings a sense
of anticipation and uplift. This subtle shift in harmony prepares the listener for
the chorus, adding depth to the song's structure.
The chorus introduces a sense of resolve and acceptance with the lyrics,
mirrored in the chord progression. The transition from Bb to F to C and then
weaving through Dm, back to Bb, and resolving on C, Dm, and again on Bb,
paints a musical picture of resilience and moving forward despite challenges.
The chord changes are more frequent here, reflecting the emotional highs
and lows conveyed in the lyrics.
Instrumental & Outro
The instrumental sections offer a moment of reflection, using the familiar chord
progressions from the verses and chorus. These moments are key to the song's
structure, providing a space for the listener to absorb the song's message.
Finally, the outro revisits the theme of reflection and contemplation, closing the song
on a thoughtful note. The simplicity of the chord progression here (C, Bb) allows
the lyrics and their delivery to shine, ending the song on a poignant and reflective note.
Playing Tips
- Emphasize the emotional content of the song through your dynamics and playing
style. Soften your strumming during the verses to allow the lyrics to be the focal point,
and then bring more intensity to the choruses to highlight the song's message.
- Pay attention to the transitions between chords, ensuring they are smooth and
maintain the song's flow. The emotional impact of the song relies heavily on these transitions.
- Experiment with fingerpicking patterns in the verses or instrumental sections to
add texture to your rendition of the song.