Rank Stranger chords - Ralph Stanley

Ralph Stanley Chords Ralph Stanley Lyrics

How to Play "Rank Stranger" Guitar chords

Swap ↔ or rotate ↻ the device
(verse 1)

           D            G             D
I wonderd again, to my home in the mountains
                                          A           A#
where you sertainly know I was happy and free
                  D             G            D
I looked for my friends, but I never could find 'em
                             A          D
I found they were all rank strangers to me

                               G         D
everybody i've met, seemed to be a rank stanger
                                          A              A#
no mother nore dad, not a friend could I see
                  D           G              D
they knew not my name, and I knew not there faces
                             A           D
I found they were all rank strangers to me

(verse 2)
                                 G            D
they've all moved away, said the voice of a stranger
                                           A             A#
to a beautiful home on the bright crystal sea D G D it's a beautiful day, I'll meet 'em in heaven A D where no one will be a stranger to me (chours)