White Oak On The Hill chords - Ralph Stanley

Ralph Stanley Chords Ralph Stanley Lyrics

How to Play "White Oak On The Hill" Guitar chords

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            A                          D                   A    
There's a white oak on the hill at my old clinch mountain home.
                                       B7         E
That stands straight and true on that windy spur alone
      A                             D                  A
And when the cold wind blows it's roots they bend and moan
                                              E           A 
But when the storm have passed it straightens up and goes on


A                          D               A         
Lord let me be like that white oak on the hill
                              B7      E      
And help me to live in Your almighty will
  A                          D                  A        
Help me on my journey, Lord, as I travel on my own
                                        E         A      
And give me the strength to straighten up and go on.

      A                                     D              A
You know the troubles of this life, They sometimes get me down
                                        B7            E      
And when I look for my friends, they're not always a'round A D A Then the good Lord seems to say, "son, get up and do my will E A And always remember that ol' white oak on the hill." (Chorus) A D A Lord let me be like that white oak on the hill B7 E and Help me to live in Your almighty will A D A Help me on my journey, Lord, as I travel on my own E A And give me the strength to straighten up and go on. E A And give me the strength to straighten up and go on.