Pass The Booze chords - Ernest Tubb

Ernest Tubb Chords Ernest Tubb Lyrics

How to Play "Pass The Booze" Guitar chords

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Pass The Booze: Ernest Tubb 
Album: Waltz Across Texas 

Chorded by Gary W, 26 Jan 2007 
Note: Play [C*]=X20010 

Capo 3rd Fret 

Intro: Follow pattern of last line in V1* 

[G] Been my friends all day it’s no good I’m still [D] lonely 
Seems that I just can’t for-[D7]-get, my one and [G] only 
So there’s just one thing left to do if I in-[C]-tend to [C*] sleep to-[Am]-night 
*Put the [D] bottle on the bar and let me, [D7] do it up [G] right 

[G] Please put the bottle on the bar where I can [D] pet it 
And take my address down be-[D7]-fore, I for-[G]-get it 
I’ve got a feeling someone’s gonna have to [C] take me [C*] home this [Am] time 
‘Cause I’m [D] gonna sit here ‘till I get her, [D7] off of my [G] mind 

[G] My baby’s gone, gone, [D] gone 
And I’m alone, [D7] so, so, a-[G]-lone 
And I’ve got nothing else to [D] lose So bartender,[D7] pass the [G] booze Ahh, Buddy now: Instrumental [steel guitar]: Follow pattern of Chorus Repeat V2 Repeat Chorus Please bar-[D]-tender, [D7] just pass the [G] booze

Ernest Tubb Chords & Tabs List

  1. Another Story Chords
  2. Are You Mine Chords
  3. Baby Loves Me Peculiar Way Chords
  4. Blue Eyed Elaine Chords
  5. Careless Darlin Chords
  6. Daddy When Is Mommy Coming Home Chords
  7. Don't Stay Away Too Long Chords
  8. Driftwood On The River Chords
  9. Driving Nails In My Coffin Chords
  10. Filipino Baby Chords
  11. Half A Mind Chords
  12. Hey La La Chords
  13. I Dreamed Of An Old Love Af Chords
  14. I Love You Because Chords
  15. Ill Step Aside Chords
  16. In Her Own Peculiar Way Chords
  17. It Makes No Difference Now Chords
  18. It's America (love It Or Leave It) Chords
  19. Its Been So Long Darling Chords
  20. Jealous Loving Heart Chords
  21. Just A Drink Away Chords
  22. Just Call Me Lonesome Chords
  23. Let's Say Goodbye Like We Said Hello Chords
  24. Letters Have No Arms Chords
  25. Miles And Memories Chords
  26. Missing In Action Chords
  27. Mr And Mrs Used To Be Chords
  28. Mr. Jukebox Chords
  29. Never Had One I Wanted Chords
  30. Our Babys Book Chords
  31. Pass The Booze Chords
  32. Rainbow At Midnight Chords
  33. Rainbow At Midnight 2 Chords
  34. Runnin Short Of Blues Chords
  35. Sad And Lonely Texas Dance Hall Girl Chords
  36. Say Goodbye Hello Chords
  37. Say Goodbye Like Hello Chords
  38. Seamans Blues Chords
  39. Seamans Blues 2 Chords
  40. She's A Little Bit Country Chords
  41. Slippin Around Chords
  42. Soldiers Last Letter Chords
  43. Sweet Thang Chords
  44. Sweet Thing Chords
  45. Sweet Thing 2 Chords
  46. Thanks A Lot Chords
  47. Throw Your Love At Me Chords
  48. Tomorrow Never Comes Chords
  49. Try Me One More Time Chords
  50. Two Glasses Joe Chords
  51. Two Wrongs Dont Make Right Chords
  52. Walking The Floor Over You Chords
  53. Waltz Across Texas Chords
  54. Warm Red Wine Chords
  55. What Good Will It Do Chords
  56. When World Turned You Down Chords
  57. Why You Said Goodbye Chords
  58. You Nearly Lose Your Mind Chords