Saddle In The Rain chords - John Prine
How to Play "Saddle In The Rain" Guitar chords
Saddle In The Rain John Prine Intro (Em) (Em)I wish, I hope, I wonder Where you're at so(A)metimes Is y(Em)our back against the wall? Or just ac(A)ross the line Have you been sta(Em)nding in the rain Reciting nursery rh(A)ymes Trying to re(Em)call some long lost kind of pe(A)ace of mind Peace of m(D)ind Try spending the n(G)ight sometime All alone in a fr(D)ozen room Afterneath you've l(A)ain Your saddle in the r(Em)ain Instrumental (Em)(Em)I dreamed they locked God up Down in my bas(A)ement And he wai(Em)ted there for me To have this acci(A)dent So he could dr(Em)ink my wine And eat me like a sacra(A)ment And I just st(Em)ood there like I do Then I came and w(A)ent I came and w(D)ent Like a bird in a for(G)eign sky Couldn't even s(D)ay goodbye Or come and share the p(A)ain My Saddle's in the r(Em)ain. (G)La la la la la la la (d)la la (C)La la la la la la la la (B)la (G)La la la la la la la la (D)la (C)La la la la la la la la (B)la Instrumental (Em) (Em)I saw a friend who doesn't know If I'm his fri(A)end just yet His eyes and m(Em)outh were widely open And his j(A)aw was set Like he'd f(Em)ell off a cliff And hadn't hit the bo(A)ttom yet I wish he wo(Em)uldn't pull those things on me Without a n(A)et Without a n(D)et I had him up to the ho(G)use one time And we was having a re(D)al good time Then he went and la(A)in His saddle in the r(Em)ain (G)La la la la la la la la (D)la (C)La la la la la la la la (B)la (G)La la la la la la la la (D)la (C)La la la la la la la la (B)la Instrumental (Em) In a lau(Em)ndromat not too far from the Al(A)amo Sits a g(Em)irl who stole my records very lo(A)ng ago And she w(Em)ishes, wants and washes out those di(A)rty clothers As she sh(Em)uts her eyes and dreams about her O(A)ne-Eyed Joe One-Eyed J(D)oe Car parked on a di(G)rty road Heaven knows the lo(D)ad she pulled Couldn't take the st(A)rain A saddle in the r(Em)ain Instrumental (Em)
John Prine Chords & Tabs List
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- Dear John Chords
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- Glory Of True Love 2 Chords
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- Humidity Built The Snowman Chords
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- I Know One Chords
- I Love You So Much, It Hurts Chords
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- In Spite Of Ourselves Chords
- It's A Big Old Goofy World Chords
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- Paradise Chords
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- Picture Show Chords
- Please Dont Bury Me Chords
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- Quit Hollerin' At Me Chords
- Saddle In The Rain Chords
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- The Blue Umbrella. Chords
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- The Moon Is Down Chords
- The Oldest Baby In The World Chords
- The Other Side Of Town Chords
- The Picture Show Chords
- This Love Is Real Chords
- Unwed Fathers Chords
- We Are The Lonely Chords
- Yes I Guess They Oughta Name A Drink After You Chords
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- You Never Even Called Me By My Name Chords
- Your Flag Decal Won't Get You Into Heaven Anymore Chords