The Bottomless Lake chords - John Prine
How to Play "The Bottomless Lake" Guitar chords
John Prine........The Bottomless Lake Intro (Capo on 3rd Fret): (C) (G) (D) (G) (C) (G) (D) (G) (G)Here's the story of a man and his family And a b(D)ig trip that they to(G)ok Well, I heard all about in a restaurant And I r(A)ead it in a history bo(D)ok They r(C)ented a car at the E(G)rie Can*l But the car didn't have no br(C)ake Said Ma to Pa "My G(G)od this car" "Is gonna f(D)all into the Bottomless L(G)ake" (C) (G) (D) (G) (G)Well, Mama turned to Daddy with a pale face Said "I've d(D)one something horribly wr(G)ong" "Well, the waters still runnin' in the bathtub" And I th(A)ink I left the kitchen light (D)on" Then I he(C)ard a crash the c(G)ar when splash And the compass rolled around and ar(C)ound Oh, for Heaven's Sake! We f(G)ell in a lake And I th(D)ink we're all gonna dr(G)ownChorus: We are fa(D)lling down Down to the bottom of a h(G)ole in the ground Smoke 'em if you got 'em I'(C)m so scared I can ha(G)rdly breathe I may n(D)ever see my sweatheart ag(G)ain (C)Play once after first verse (G) (D) (G) (C) (G) (D) (G) (G)There was plenty of food in the backseat And the wi(D)ndows were rolled up ti(G)ght So we all nibbled on a chicken leg Told st(A)ories 'way thru' the n(D)ight We(C)ll, Pa told one that he t(G)old before And the baby got a bellya(C)che Said Ma to Pa "My G(G)od this car" "Falling d(D)own a Bottomless L(G)ake" (Repeat Chorus) (G)Poppa played the music on the radio M(D)ama rocked the baby to sl(G)eep He said he would've taken the other road But he di(A)dn't think the lake was that d(D)eep Well, if the f(C)erry been there at the (G)end of the pier We'd be half way to Uncle Ja(C)ke's Instead of looking at fish out the w(G)indow I wish We'd hit the bo(D)ttom of the Bottomless L(G)ake 'Stead of lo(C)oking at fish out the wi(G)ndow I wish We'd hit the b(D)ottom of the Bottomless L(G)ake (Repeat Chorus) (G)So if you're ever goin' on a big trip Ya be(D)tter be careful out th(G)ere Start everything on you good foot And (A)wear clean u(D)nderwear T(C)ake along a Bible in the ba(G)ckseat Read of David and Solo(C)mon For if you make a mistake in the Bottomless L(G)ake You may ne(D)ver see your sweetheart ag(G)ain If you sh(C)ould make a mistake in the Bot(G)tomless Lake You may ne(D)ver see your sweetheart a(G)gain If you sh(C)ould make a mistake in the Bot(G)tomless Lake You may n(D)ever see your sweetheart ag(G)ain (C) (G) (D) (G) (C) (G) (D) (G) (D) (G)
John Prine Chords & Tabs List
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- Bottomless Lake Chords
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- Glory Of True Love 2 Chords
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- Great Compromise Chords
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- Humidity Built The Snowman Chords
- I Hate It When That Happens To Me Chords
- I Know One Chords
- I Love You So Much, It Hurts Chords
- Illegal Smile Chords
- In Spite Of Ourselves Chords
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- Taking A Walk Chords
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- The Blue Umbrella. Chords
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