The Picture Show chords - John Prine
How to Play "The Picture Show" Guitar chords
By John Prine (G)A young man from a small town With a ve(C)ry large imaginat(G)ion Lay al(C)one in his room with his ra(G)dio on Looking for another sta(D)tion When the st(G)atic from the mouthpiece Gave w(C)ay to the sound be(G)low James D(C)ean went out to H(G)ollywood And put his pi(D)cture in a Picture Sh(G)ow. James De(C)an went out to Ho(G)llywood And put his pi(D)cture in a Picture Sh(G)ow. (Chorus) And It's (G)Oh Daddy get off of your knees Mam(C)ma why'd you have to g(G)o Your dar(C)ling Jim is o(G)ut a limb I put my pi(D)cture in a Picture S(G)how Whoa Ho! Put my pic(D)ture in a Picture Sh(G)ow H(G)amburgers Cheesburgers Wi(C)lbur and Orville Wri(G)ght Jo(C)hn Garfield in the aft(G)ernoon Montgomery Clift at ni(D)ght When the st(G)atic hit the mouthpieceGave w(C)ay to the sound be(G)low James De(C)an went out to Ho(G)llywood And put his pic(D)ture in a Picture Sh(G)ow. (Repeat Chorus) (Instrumental) (G) (C) (G) (C) (G) (D) (G) (C) (G) (C) (G) (D) (G) A M(G)occa man in a wigwam sit(C)ting on a Reser(G)vation. With a big bl(C)ack hole in the be(G)lly of his soul Waiting on an explan(D)ation While the wh(G)ite man sits on his fat can And takes pic(C)tures of the Na(G)vajo Every ti(C)me he clicks his Ko(G)diac pics He st(D)eals a little bit of s(G)oul. Every ti(C)me he clicks his Kod(G)iac pics He ste(D)als a little bit of s(G)oul. (Repeat Chorus) (Ending) Yie Hi! Put my pi(D)cture in a Picture S(G)how Let's go! (Instrumental) (G) (C) (G) (C) (G) (D) (G) (C) (G) (C) (G) (D) (G) (C) (G) (D) (G) (C) (G) (D) (G) A yo(G)ung man from a small town With a ve(C)ry large imaginati(G)on
John Prine Chords & Tabs List
- 'til A Tear Becomes A Rose Chords
- Aimless Love Chords
- Aint Hurtin Nobody Chords
- All Night Blue Chords
- All The Best Chords
- All The Way With You Chords
- Angel From Montgomery Chords
- Automobile Chords
- Aw Heck Chords
- Be My Friend Tonight Chords
- Bear Creek Blues Chords
- Big Fat Love Chords
- Blow Up Your T V Chords
- Blue Umbrella Chords
- Bottomless Lake Chords
- Bruised Orange (chain Of Sorrow) Chords
- Christmas In Prison Chords
- Crazy As A Loon Chords
- Daddy's Little Pumpkin Chords
- Day Is Done Chords
- Dear Abby Chords
- Dear John Chords
- Dear John ( I Sent Your Saddle Home) Chords
- Donald And Lydia Chords
- Dont Bury Me Chords
- Everybody Wants To Feel Like You Chords
- Far Far From Me Chords
- Fish & Whistle Chords
- Flag Decal Chords
- Flashback Blues Chords
- Glory Of True Love Chords
- Glory Of True Love 2 Chords
- Grandpa Was a Carptenter Chords
- Great Compromise Chords
- He Forgot It Was Sunday Chords
- Hello In There Chords
- Humidity Built The Snowman Chords
- I Hate It When That Happens To Me Chords
- I Know One Chords
- I Love You So Much, It Hurts Chords
- Illegal Smile Chords
- In Spite Of Ourselves Chords
- It's A Big Old Goofy World Chords
- Its A Cheating Situation Chords
- Jesus The Missing Years Chords
- Lake Marie Chords
- Lets Talk Dirty In Hawiian Chords
- Linda Goes To Mars Chords
- Long Monday Chords
- Long Monday (2) Chords
- Milwaukee Here I Come Chords
- Morning Train Chords
- My Darling Home Town Chords
- Name A Drink After You Chords
- New Train Chords
- One Red Rose Chords
- Paradise Chords
- People Puttin' People Down Chords
- Picture Show Chords
- Please Dont Bury Me Chords
- Quiet Man Chords
- Quit Hollerin' At Me Chords
- Saddle In The Rain Chords
- Safety Joe Chords
- Sam Stone Chords
- Same Thing Happened To Me Chords
- She Is My Everything Chords
- Six O'clock News Chords
- Slow Boat To China Chords
- So Sad (to Watch Good Love Go Bad) Chords
- Some Humans Ain't Human Chords
- Souvineers Chords
- Spanish Pipedream Chords
- Speed The Sound Of Loneliness Chords
- Storm Windows Chords
- Take A Look At My Heart Chords
- Taking A Walk Chords
- That's The Way The World Goes Round (correct) Chords
- The Accident Chords
- The Blue Umbrella. Chords
- The Bottomless Lake Chords
- The Frying Pan Chords
- The Great Compromise Chords
- The Hobo Song Chords
- The Moon Is Down Chords
- The Oldest Baby In The World Chords
- The Other Side Of Town Chords
- The Picture Show Chords
- This Love Is Real Chords
- Unwed Fathers Chords
- We Are The Lonely Chords
- Yes I Guess They Oughta Name A Drink After You Chords
- You Got Gold Chords
- You Never Even Called Me By My Name Chords
- Your Flag Decal Won't Get You Into Heaven Anymore Chords