Drive Me Wild 2 chords - Brown Sawyer Chords
Drive Me Wild 2 chords
Album:Drive Me Wild Transcribed: Chuckweet--> D ÊÊ Just as long as I'm with you Ê ÊÊÊÊ DÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Dmag9ÊÊ Well it don't matter when we get back Ê BmÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ GÊÊ This ain't the time to talk about that Ê Chrous: Ê DÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ G You can drive me wild baby Ê DÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ G Or you can drive me crazy, Ê DÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ GÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ CÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ AÊÊÊÊÊ you just drive me I don't care with you Ê ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ D I'll go anywhere Ê ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Bm Clean out of site, Ê ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ G once around the moon Ê ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ A Holdin' on tight, Ê ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ D Take me by the hand Ê ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Bm Pull me by the heart, Ê ÊÊÊÊÊ G with you Ê ÊÊÊÊÊ AÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ D With you I'll go anywhere Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Verse:IIIÊÊ Ê CÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ GÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ D If you take meÊ I will go with you anywhere Ê CÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ GÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ AÊÊ I don't know if you know We're going somewhere Ê GÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ AÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ GÊÊÊÊÊ AÊÊ Going somewhere, going somewhere Ê Riff: G D G D G D A Ê Chrous: Ê DÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ G You can drive me wild baby Ê DÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ G Or you can drive me crazy, Ê DÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ G you just drive me Ê ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ CÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ A I don't care with you Ê ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ D I'll go anywhere Ê ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ BmÊÊÊÊÊÊ Clean out of site, Ê ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ GÊÊ once around the moon Ê ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ A Holdin' on tight, Ê ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ D Take me by the hand Ê ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Bm Pull me by the heart, Ê GÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ AÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ D with you with youÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ I'll go anywhere Ê Outro:Ê DDD GG DDD GG DDD GG DDD C G D
Brown Sawyer Chords & Tabs List
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- Chain Of Love (recorded Key) Chords
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- Did It For Love Chords
- Dirt Road Chords
- Drive Me Wild Chords
- Drive Me Wild 2 Chords
- Farmer Tan Chords
- Feel Like Me Chords
- Field Hand Chords
- Get Me To The Stage On Time Chords
- Gettin' Tough (good Ol' Boy) & Intro Tab Chords
- Glory To The King Chords
- Going Back To Indiana Chords
- Goodnight And Good Morning Chords
- Gypsies On Parade Chords
- Hard To Say Chords
- He Sent A Carpenter Chords
- Hold On 2 Chords
- Homestead In My Heart (recorded Key) Chords
- I Kept My Motor Runnin' Chords
- I Will Leave The Light On Chords
- I Wouldn't Change A Thing Chords
- I'll Be Around Chords
- I'm Gonna Miss You Chords
- I'm In Love With Her Chords
- In This Town Chords
- It Wasn't His Child Tabs
- Its Hard To Keep A Good Love Down Chords
- Leona Chords
- Lesson In Love Chords
- Like A John Deere Chords
- Mama's Little Baby Loves Me Chords
- Mission Temple Fireworks Stand Chords
- My Baby Drives A Buick Chords
- Nashville Cat Chords
- Nebraska Song Chords
- Night Wont Last Forever Chords
- Nothin' Less Than Love Chords
- Old Photographs Chords
- Outskirts Of Town Chords
- Passin' Train Chords
- Puttin' The Dark Back Into The Night Chords
- Ruby Red Shoes Chords
- Sharin' The Moonshine Chords
- She's Gettin' There Chords
- Sister's Got A New Tattoo Chords
- Six Days On The Road Chords
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- Socrates Chords
- Some Girls Do Chords
- Sometimes A Hero Chords
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- Still Life In Blue Chords
- Still Water (intro And Walkups) Tabs
- Sweet Mary Cried Chords
- Thank God For You Chords
- The Cafe On The Corner Chords
- The Dirt Road Chords
- The Heartland Chords
- The One I've Got Chords
- The Race Is On Chords
- The Secretary Song Chords
- The Walk Chords
- They Dont Understand Chords
- This Night Wont Last Forver Chords
- This Side Of The Sky Chords
- This Thing Called Wantin' And Havin' It All Chords
- Travelin' Shoes Chords
- Treat Her Right Chords
- Trouble On The Line Chords
- Under This Ole Hat Chords
- Used To Blue Chords
- What Am I Gonna Tell My Heart Chords
- When You Run From Love Chords
- With This Ring Tabs
- With You Daddy Chords
- Your Faith Chords