Dirt Road Diary chords - Luke Bryan

Luke Bryan Chords Luke Bryan Lyrics

How to Play "Dirt Road Diary" Guitar chords

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No Capo

G D Cadd9 x2

G                           D                    Cadd9
Me and daddy ride around all day shooting doves off a line in a Chevrolet.
G                                       D                                   Cadd9
Old lab would jump out the back and fetch 'em up.
G                               D                      Cadd9
We'd drive for miles and miles and never once hit blacktop or change the dial.
G                      D                               Cadd9
One little country station was all there was.
Em7                D                                  Cadd9
Checking gates, fixing fence and roads that's how my story goes.

Em7              D                         Cadd9
If you want to know the real me, just turn the page in my dirt road diary.
Em7                D                     Cadd9
It's right there for you to see, every kiss, every beer, every cotton field memory.
Em7                     D                          Cadd9
Tan legs and some Dixie land delight, ridin' round, windows down on a summer night.
Em7           D                 Cadd9 (strum once)
I was there, that was me. Its right here in my dirt road diary.
G D Cadd9 ( Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/l/luke-bryan/337563.html ) G D Cadd9 I remember when I turned sixteen; I got a license and some gasoline. G D Cadd9 Ain't a curve or a straight away we didn't fly down. G D Cadd9 If wasn't the boys it was me and her by fire in a field or down by the river. G D Cadd9 Every inch of that county was sacred ground. Em7 D Wish I knew where that old truck was. Cadd9 If it could talk it could tell on us. Chorus: Em7 D Cadd9 If you want to know the real me, just turn the page in my dirt road diary. Em7 D Cadd9 It's right there for you to see, every kiss, every beer, every cotton field memory. Em7 D Cadd9 Tan legs and some Dixie land delight, ridin' round, windows down on a summer night. Em7 D Cadd9 I was there, that was me. Its right here in my dirt road diary. Bridge: G D Cadd9 It ain't a book underneath my bed; Em7 D Cadd9 Just a dusty memory lane in my head. G D Cadd9 x2 Em7 D Cadd9 Tan legs and some Dixie land delight, ridin' round, windows down on a summer night. Em7 D Cadd9 I was there, that was me. Its right here in my dirt road diary. Em7 D Cadd9 (strum once) Just ride around this little town and you'll see how I wrote my dirt road diary.

Luke Bryan Chords & Tabs List

  1. All My Friends Say Chords
  2. Apologize Chords
  3. Baby's On The Way Chords
  4. Bad Lovers Chords
  5. Been There Done That Chords
  6. Beer In The Headlights Chords
  7. Bill Dance Chords
  8. Blood Brothers Chords
  9. Born Here Live Here Die Here Chords
  10. Build Me A Daddy Chords
  11. Buzzkill Chords
  12. Chevrolet Chords
  13. Country Does Chords
  14. Country Girl / Shake It For Me Chords
  15. Country Man Chords
  16. Dirt Road Diary Chords
  17. Dirt Road Diary Chords
  18. Do I Chords
  19. Do I (capo) Chords
  20. Do I 2 Chords
  21. Doin' My Thing Chords
  22. Down To One Chords
  23. Drink A Beer Chords
  24. Drink A Little Whiskey Down Chords
  25. Drinkin Beer And Wastin Bullets Chords
  26. Drinking Again Chords
  27. Driving This Thing Chords
  28. Drunk On You Chords
  29. Everytime I See You Chords
  30. Faded Away Chords
  31. First Love Song Chords
  32. Five O'clock Angel Chords
  33. Floatin This Creek Chords
  34. For A Boat Chords
  35. Good Directions Chords
  36. Goodbye Girl Tabs
  37. Goodbye Wasn't Good Enough Chords
  38. Harvest Time Chords
  39. Hooked On It Chords
  40. Hungover In A Hotel Room Chords
  41. I Did It Again Chords
  42. I Don't Know If I Can Do That Chords
  43. I Don't Want This Night To End Chords
  44. I Knew You That Way Chords
  45. I Know You're Gonna Be There Chords
  46. I See You Chords
  47. I'll Stay Me Chords
  48. I'm Hungover Chords
  49. I'm Hungover (intro) Chords
  50. If You Aint Here To Party Chords
  51. In Love With The Girl Chords
  52. Is Someone Else Calling You Baby Chords
  53. It's A Shore Thing Chords
  54. Just A Dream Chords
  55. Just A Sip Chords
  56. Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye Chords
  57. Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye (intro) Chords
  58. Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye (lead) Chords
  59. Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye (tab) Chords
  60. Knockin Boots Chords
  61. Land Of A Million Songs Chords
  62. Light It Up Chords
  63. Like You Say You Do Chords
  64. Little Less Broken Chords
  65. Love In A College Town Chords
  66. Most People Are Good Chords
  67. Muckalee Creek Water Chords
  68. My First Love Song Chords
  69. One Margarita Chords
  70. Out Like That Chords
  71. Out Of Nowhere Girl Chords
  72. Over The River Chords
  73. Pick It Up Chords
  74. Play It Again Chords
  75. Pray About Everthing Chords
  76. Rain Is A Good Thing Chords
  77. Roller Coaster Tabs
  78. Shake The Sand Chords
  79. Shes A Hot One Chords
  80. Small Town Favorite Chords
  81. Someone Else Calling You Baby Chords
  82. Sorority Girls Chords
  83. Spring Break-Up Chords
  84. Sunrise Sunburn Sunset Chords
  85. Suntan City Chords
  86. Tackle Box Chords
  87. Tailgate Blues Chords
  88. Take My Drunk Ass Home Chords
  89. That's My Kind Of Night Chords
  90. The Car In Front Of Me Chords
  91. This Is How We Roll Chords
  92. Too Drunk To Drive Chords
  93. Up Chords
  94. Waves Chords
  95. We Rode In Trucks Chords
  96. We Run This Town Chords
  97. Welcome To The Farm Chords
  98. What Country Is Chords
  99. What Is It With You Chords
  100. What Makes You Country Chords
  101. What She Wants Tonight Chords
  102. Where Are We Goin Chords
  103. Win Life Chords
  104. Ya'll Can Have This Town Chords
  105. You Don't Know Jack Chords
  106. You Make Me Want To Chords
  107. Your Goodbye Wasn't Good Enough Chords