We Run This Town chords - Luke Bryan
How to Play "We Run This Town" Guitar chords
This is in standard tunning. The chords are the same throughout the song, they are A, E, C#m, and B. Intro A, E, C#m, B(x2) A E Seventeen, we owned those streets C#m B Parking lot, that was our spot A E Thats where wed always meet C#m B And wed roll on out in a pickup truck parade A E C#m B Stake our claim with a fire in a field in the middle of Nowhere, USA A E C#m B Wed light the midnight up (Chorus) A E We'd drive too fast C#m B We'd get too loud A E C#m B We thought we made the world go round A ENothin but a bunch of time to kill C#m B Set up on the big hill A E Make a toast, drink it down C#m B Say, yeah man, we run this town Repeats the same chords as first verse. All the girls next door Theyd meet us out there They couldnt wait to get away And come and let down their hair We were rough around the edges They were sweet as they could be They were way too good But they still let us steal a little kiss before theyd leave Guess they thought we were cool because Same as first chorus We'd drive too fast We'd get too loud Yeah, we thought we made the world go round Drop it down in four-wheel Set up on a big hill And make a toast, drink it down Say, yeah man, we run this town A E From crazy kids to dirt road kings C#m Oh, we didnt know nothin' B A-E C#m B But we knew everything Same as before (Chorus) We'd drive too fast We'd get too loud We thought we made the world go round Nothin but a bunch of time to kill Set up on the big hill Make a toast, drink it down Say, yeah man, we run this town A E High five and look around C#m B A,E,C#m,B Damn right, we run this town A E Man, I love this town C#m B Come on Then it ends on A,E,C#m,B like the whole song is. Hope yall can understand the tab, its my first one ive done.
Luke Bryan Chords & Tabs List
- All My Friends Say Chords
- Apologize Chords
- Baby's On The Way Chords
- Bad Lovers Chords
- Been There Done That Chords
- Beer In The Headlights Chords
- Bill Dance Chords
- Blood Brothers Chords
- Born Here Live Here Die Here Chords
- Build Me A Daddy Chords
- Buzzkill Chords
- Chevrolet Chords
- Country Does Chords
- Country Girl / Shake It For Me Chords
- Country Man Chords
- Dirt Road Diary Chords
- Dirt Road Diary Chords
- Do I Chords
- Do I (capo) Chords
- Do I 2 Chords
- Doin' My Thing Chords
- Down To One Chords
- Drink A Beer Chords
- Drink A Little Whiskey Down Chords
- Drinkin Beer And Wastin Bullets Chords
- Drinking Again Chords
- Driving This Thing Chords
- Drunk On You Chords
- Everytime I See You Chords
- Faded Away Chords
- First Love Song Chords
- Five O'clock Angel Chords
- Floatin This Creek Chords
- For A Boat Chords
- Good Directions Chords
- Goodbye Girl Tabs
- Goodbye Wasn't Good Enough Chords
- Harvest Time Chords
- Hooked On It Chords
- Hungover In A Hotel Room Chords
- I Did It Again Chords
- I Don't Know If I Can Do That Chords
- I Don't Want This Night To End Chords
- I Knew You That Way Chords
- I Know You're Gonna Be There Chords
- I See You Chords
- I'll Stay Me Chords
- I'm Hungover Chords
- I'm Hungover (intro) Chords
- If You Aint Here To Party Chords
- In Love With The Girl Chords
- Is Someone Else Calling You Baby Chords
- It's A Shore Thing Chords
- Just A Dream Chords
- Just A Sip Chords
- Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye Chords
- Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye (intro) Chords
- Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye (lead) Chords
- Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye (tab) Chords
- Knockin Boots Chords
- Land Of A Million Songs Chords
- Light It Up Chords
- Like You Say You Do Chords
- Little Less Broken Chords
- Love In A College Town Chords
- Most People Are Good Chords
- Muckalee Creek Water Chords
- My First Love Song Chords
- One Margarita Chords
- Out Like That Chords
- Out Of Nowhere Girl Chords
- Over The River Chords
- Pick It Up Chords
- Play It Again Chords
- Pray About Everthing Chords
- Rain Is A Good Thing Chords
- Roller Coaster Tabs
- Shake The Sand Chords
- Shes A Hot One Chords
- Small Town Favorite Chords
- Someone Else Calling You Baby Chords
- Sorority Girls Chords
- Spring Break-Up Chords
- Sunrise Sunburn Sunset Chords
- Suntan City Chords
- Tackle Box Chords
- Tailgate Blues Chords
- Take My Drunk Ass Home Chords
- That's My Kind Of Night Chords
- The Car In Front Of Me Chords
- This Is How We Roll Chords
- Too Drunk To Drive Chords
- Up Chords
- Waves Chords
- We Rode In Trucks Chords
- We Run This Town Chords
- Welcome To The Farm Chords
- What Country Is Chords
- What Is It With You Chords
- What Makes You Country Chords
- What She Wants Tonight Chords
- Where Are We Goin Chords
- Win Life Chords
- Ya'll Can Have This Town Chords
- You Don't Know Jack Chords
- You Make Me Want To Chords
- Your Goodbye Wasn't Good Enough Chords