Dark Haired True Lover chords - Carter Family Chords

Dark Haired True Lover chords

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            I (F)once had a dark haired true lover
She was (C) all this world to (F) me
She (B) promised herself to (F)another
Now (C) don't you think this was (F) mean

   Take (F) back every word you have spoken
   Let it (C) be as though we never (F) met
   For (B) tonight I'm a poor boy heart-(F)-broken
   I'll for-(C)-give but I'll never for-(F)-get

I was young when I wrote my first letter
I blotted the lines with tears
But now I am old, I know better
We've parted for many long years


Oh, Ruth, Oh, Ruth, how I love you
You just seemed to me like a bird
Although you went back on your promise
Although you went back on your word

We parted in the month of September
Some says we parted for life But I hope some day or another I'll call you my sweet darling wife chorus I wish I had someone to love me Someone to call me their own For I'm out in this wide world a-wandering I'm tired of living alone

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