How to Play "Temptation" Guitar chords
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June Carter duet with Johnny Cash
(Johnny Cash:)
Rosen on the bow and here we go (G)
Oh, (G)tell me will you, darlin', why you (C)look so bad to-(G)night
You got (C)bags around your (G)eyeballs that are (D)red instead of (G)white
(June Carter:)
Well, let me put it this (G)way, you came, I was alone
Shucks, I should a (D)knowed that you was temp-(G)tation
You smiled a leering me on, my heart is plumb (D)gone
'Cause you was temp-(G)tation
Itfll be (G)thrillin' if youfre (B)willin'
But if it (D)never can be then a pity for me
For (G)you was too bored to be kissed
I couldn't resist 'cause you was temp-(F)tation and I was (G)yours
As the (G)apple tempted Adam, as the (C)serpent tempted (G)Eve
As the (C)willow tree tempts the (G)caterpillar, baby
(D)Thatfs how you tempted (G)me
As the (G)corn liquor tempts the drunkard, as (C)sorghum tempts the (G)bee
As the (C)mud hole tempts the mos-(G)quito, baby
(D)Thatfs how you tempted (G)me
For (G)you came and I was alone
Shucks, I should a (D)knowed that you was tem-(G)ptation
A ring-a-ding-ding-ding
(G)You smiled a leering me on my heart is plumb (D)gone
For you was temp-(G)tation
Itfll be (G)thrillin' if youfre (B)willin'
But if it (D)never can be then a pity for me
For (G)you was too bored to be kissed
I couldnft resist cause you was temp-(F)tation and I was (G)yours
Here is (G)my heart, take it away, oh take it away
Say that we will never, never, never (C)part
Ifm just a (Bb)slave, just a dadburn (D)slave
Ifm a going to wed (G)you
For youfre temp-(C)tation and Ifm a red hot (Bb)flame
Hot splinter
For you (Bb)