Day They Laid Mary Away chords - Carter Family Chords

Day They Laid Mary Away chords

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Recorded by: Anita Carter (w/The Carter Family)

[1] The chill of December, still [4] makes me Re-[1]-member
*(The Day They Laid Mary A-[5]-way)
A [1] Room full of Flowers, and [4] long silent [1] Hou-urs
And outside the [5] Sky turned to [1] Gray [1-7]

Bridge 1:
([4] She was so happy the [1] Day we were Wed
And she [2] lived just a year to the [5] Day)
I'll [1] never forget it, I'll [-4] always Re-[-1]-gret it
(The Day They Laid [5] Mary A-[1]-way)

We all sat there Crying and Prayed for the Dying
(The Day They Laid Mary Away)
And while we were Weeping, she rested there Sleeping
But we knew that she couldn't Stay

Bridge 2:
(We stood at the Grave when the last Rites were Read)
And the Parson had nice things to Say
Then as she Descended, the World for me Ended
(The Day They Laid Mary Away)
Note: *(Carter Family Background Singers)

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