Deep Water 2 chords - Bob Wills

Bob Wills Chords Bob Wills Lyrics

How to Play "Deep Water 2" Guitar chords

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Title: Deep Water
Artist: Garth Brooks and Asleep at the Wheel
Album: Asleep at the Wheel Tribute to Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys

Deep Water

E E7 A Edim7 E F#7 B B7
I'm drifting into Deep Water, I'm starting to care for you
E E7 A Edim7 E B7 E
You're getting me into Deep Water, be careful what you do
B F7 B F7 B F7 B B7 
You want a romance, but I'm in love, I'm gonna hate to see it end
E E7 A Edim7 E B7 E
I'm restless in this Deep Water, why can't we just be friends ?

E E7 A Edim7 E F#7 B B7 
I'm helpless in this Deep Water, I'm stuck between right and wrong
E E7 A Edim7 E B7 E 
My love is true as Deep Water, your love won't last as long
B F#7 B F#7 B F#7 B B7
Where will it lead me, when will it end? I can't help but wish I knew
E E7 A Edim7 E B7 E
I'm winding up in Deep Water, so deep in love with you

Instrumental break(same as first two lines of a verse) B F#7 B F#7 B F#7 B B7 Where will it lead me, and when will it end? I can't help but wish I knew E E7 A Edim7 E B7 E I'm winding up in Deep Water, so deep in love with you B7 E So deep in love with you Edim7 is the first 4 strings only, (1)G,(2)C#,(3)A#,(4)E It could actually be called by any of the four notes in it Gdim7, C#dim7, A#dim7, or Edim7. Sliding it up or down the neck creates four new dim7th chords. You'll notice that after you move three frets in a row, you will then start repeating the sequence of notes. That means you will only have to learn one chord figure, and four positions to cover all dim7ths. Congratulations, you just had a music theory lesson! P.S. You can just skip the dim7th chord if you wish to remain stagnant and never play the chords that the big boys use.....