1952 Vincent Black Lightning chords - Kelly Reckless

Kelly Reckless Chords Kelly Reckless Lyrics

How to Play "1952 Vincent Black Lightning" Guitar chords

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Capo 3	     

A                                         D 	  	 
Said Red Molly to James that's a fine motorbike,
D                                     A 	  	 
A girl could feel special on any such like
A                                             D 	  	 
Said James to Red Molly, well my hat's off to you
D                                  A 	  	 
It's a Vincent Black Lightning, 1952 	  	         
A         E                           D          A 	  	 
And I've seen you at the corners and cafes it seems 	 
E    	  	                D               A
Red hair and black leather, my favorite color scheme 	 
A      Bm              D                                 A 	  	 
And he pulled her on behind and down to Boxhill they did ride 	  	 

Said James to Red Molly, here's a ring for your right hand 	  	  	 
But I'll tell you in earnest I'm a dangerous man 	  	  	 
I've fought with the law since I was seventeen 	  	  	 
I robbed many a man to get my Vincent machine 	  	                           	 
Now I'm 21 years, I might make 22                           	 
And I don't mind dying, but for the love of you 	  	       
And If fate should break my stride 	  	 
I'll give you my Vincent to ride Come down, come down, Red Molly, called Sergeant McRae For they've taken young James adie for armed robbery Shotgun blast hit his chest, left nothing inside Come down, Red Molly to his dying bedside When she came to the hospital, there wasn't much left He was running out of road, he was running out of breath But he smiled to see her cry Said I'll give you my Vincent to ride Said young James. in my opinion, there's nothing in this world Beats a 52 Vincent and a red headed girl Now Nortons and Indians and Greeves won't do They don't have a soul like a Vincent 52 He reached for her hand and he gave her the keys He said I don't have any further use for these I see angels and ariels in leather and chrome Swooping down from heaven to carry me home He gave her one last kiss and died And he gave her his Vincent to ride

Kelly Reckless Chords & Tabs List

  1. 1952 Vincent Black Lightning Chords
  2. 3 Songs Chords
  3. 8 More Miles Chords
  4. A Guy Like Me Chords
  5. A Lot To Ask Chords
  6. Alice White Chords
  7. American Blood Chords
  8. April To October Chords
  9. Arizona Skies Chords
  10. Baby's Gone Blues Chords
  11. Baby's Got A Whole Lot More Chords
  12. Baby's Got A Whole Lot More (solo) Tabs
  13. Back Around Chords
  14. Ballad Of Tommy And Marla Chords
  15. Basin Butte Blues Chords
  16. Best Forever Yet Chords
  17. Bird On A Wire Chords
  18. Black And White Chords
  19. Break My Heart Tonight Chords
  20. Broken Heart Chords
  21. Bulletproof Chords
  22. Castanets Chords
  23. Come On Over Chords
  24. Crazy Eddies Last Hurrah Chords
  25. Crazy Eddies Last Hurrah (solo) Tabs
  26. Desolation Angels Chords
  27. Desolation Angels (Intro) Chords
  28. Dogtown Chords
  29. Dogtown (Solo) Chords
  30. Don't Come Back Chords
  31. Don't Say Goodbye Chords
  32. Drink Your Wiskey Down Chords
  33. Eight More Miles (full Song) Chords
  34. Everybody Chords
  35. Everybody (solo) Tabs
  36. Floodwater Chords
  37. Give It A Try Chords
  38. God Forsaken Town Chords
  39. Good Luck & True Love Chords
  40. Guy Like Me Tabs
  41. Hard Fight To Win Chords
  42. Hatax Chords
  43. Hey Say May Tabs
  44. Hey Say May (aligned) Chords
  45. Hit The Ground Runnin' Chords
  46. Hottest Thing In Town Chords
  47. How Was California? Chords
  48. I Hold The Bottle, You Hold The Wheel Chords
  49. I Never Liked St. Valentine Chords
  50. I Saw It Coming Chords
  51. I Saw It Coming (Intro) Tabs
  52. I Stayed Up All Night Again Chords
  53. I Still Do Chords
  54. I've Done Everything I Could Do Wrong Chords
  55. Idaho Chords
  56. Idaho Cowboy Chords
  57. Irish Goodbye Chords
  58. Its All Over Chords
  59. Lets Just Fall Chords
  60. Lil Dreamer Chords
  61. Little Blossom Chords
  62. Little Mama Chords
  63. Lonely All The Time Chords
  64. Lonesome Little Cowboy Chords
  65. Long Night Moon Chords
  66. Love In Her Eyes Chords
  67. Loving You Chords
  68. May Peace Find You Tonight Chords
  69. Mersey Beat Chords
  70. Mirage Chords
  71. Motel Cowboy Show Chords
  72. My Soul Ain't Sold Chords
  73. Never Had A Chance Chords
  74. Nobody Haunts Me Like You Chords
  75. Nobodys Girl Chords
  76. One False Move (complete) Chords
  77. Passin' Through Chords
  78. Pennsylvania Avenue Chords
  79. Pumpkin Pie Chords
  80. Pure Quill Chords
  81. Ragged As The Road Chords
  82. Rodeo Man Chords
  83. Set Me Free 2 Chords
  84. Seven Nights In Eire Chords
  85. She Likes Money, He Likes Love Chords
  86. She Sang Red River Valley Chords
  87. Shook Me All Night Long Chords
  88. Sixgun Chords
  89. Snowfall Chords
  90. So Lonely Chords
  91. Somewhere In Time Chords
  92. Started On The Wrong Foot Chords
  93. Stick Around Chords
  94. Strung Out And Wound Chords
  95. Subterranean Blues Chords
  96. The Ballad Of Elano Deleon Chords
  97. The Ballad Of Tommy And Marla Chords
  98. Thelma Chords
  99. These Tears Chords
  100. Time Bomb Chords
  101. Torn Up Chords
  102. Vancouver Chords
  103. Waitin' On The Blues Chords
  104. Waiting On The Blues Chords
  105. Walk Out Now Chords
  106. Walton Love Chords
  107. Wandering Eye Chords
  108. Weatherbeaten Soul Chords
  109. Weatherbeaten Soul - No Capo Chords
  110. What Would You Do Chords
  111. Wicked Twisted Road Chords
  112. Wiggles & Ritalin Chords
  113. Wild Western Windblown Band Chords
  114. Willimina Chords
  115. Wretched Again Tabs
  116. You Cared Enough To Lie Chords
  117. You Don't Have To Stay Forever Chords
  118. You Should Be Gone Chords