Waiting On The Blues chords - Kelly Reckless
How to Play "Waiting On The Blues" Guitar chords
Reckless Kelly Waitin On the Blues written by Willy Braun Rachel Bourne Matt Urry Cody Braun Fiddle, Mandolin, Harp & Harmony Vocals Willy Braun Acoustic & Electric Rhythm Guitars & Lead Vocals Jay Nazz Drums, Percussion Casey Pollock Lead Guitars Chris Schelske Bass & Harmony Vocals E She never gave a reason for leaving Just packed her things and said goodbye E I guess she just got tired of believing E Esus E Esus E In the dreams of a dreamer such as I E Usually I m not left in this position Most the time it's me who says goodbye A You never dropped a hint that you're goingE Naturally it came as a surprise B A E Esus E Sittin in a run down dive in Austin B A E Esus E Anticipating pain from losing you A Well it hasn't hit me yet C#m It'll be here you can bet A I'm sitting here B E E Esus E Esus E Waitin on the blues E I hate to get advice when I don't ask it It's what I m getting here tonight E The old man says cause I'm young I'm foolish E E Sus E Esus E Since he's old I guess he must be right E Said I should try to forget about you I know that's not left for me to choose A Who knows you might come back but until you do E Guess I'll sit here waitin' on the blues B A E E Esus Sittin in a run-down dive in Austin B A E This old man s tellin me that I can't lose A But I guess he s wrong C#m Cause I already lost you A Oh I'm sitting here B E E Esus E Esus E Waitin on the blues SOLO A A E Sittin in a run-down dive in Austin B A E ESus E You left me here with nothing left to lose A This delayed misery C#m You know it s damn near killing me A B C#m I can spend a lifetime waiting on the blues A B E Esus E Esus E I can spend a lifetime waiting on the blues http://www.recklesskelly.com >From Reckless Kelly "Millican" Cold Spring Records 1997 Mutt 'N' Honey Music(ASCAP) lyrics provided by Jeff Neely
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