Lets Just Fall chords - Kelly Reckless
How to Play "Lets Just Fall" Guitar chords
Capo 2nd fret D A G A Sirens are screamin', I can hear 'em comin' down hard D A G A It's time I was leavin, warm up my getaway car. E I know you'd like me to stay G A But if I do, they'll haul me away. D A G A I won't go easy after all the time I've done D A G A I've been shootin' freely under the table and above the sun. E But maybe I won't mind G A A chain gang with you in line. D A Bm G - Call the cops for a ride downtown D A Bm G Take a picture for the old lockdown D A Bm GI know we could both fall flat but D C G D C Let's just fall and leave it at that. - D A G A White picket fences look alot like iron bars D A G A A pink house with shutters reminds me of old grey walls. E But this time I won't hide G A If you're with me on the inside. D A Bm G - Call the cops for a ride downtown D A Bm G Take a picture for the old lockdown D A Bm G I know we could both fall flat but D C G D Let's just fall and leave it at that. - D A G A D A G A E G A D A G A Out on the highway, runnin' round with an outlaw band D A G A It's always been my way, livin' life out on the lam E This might be the first time G A I don't make it to the borderline. D A Bm G - So call the cops for a ride downtown D A Bm G Take a picture for the old lockdown D A Bm G I know we could both fall flat but D C G D A G Let's just fall, let's just fall, D C G D C D Let's just fall and leave it at that.
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