She Sang Red River Valley chords - Kelly Reckless
How to Play "She Sang Red River Valley" Guitar chords
From: and Transcribed by: Cody Sherrod and Justin McKinney Reckless Kelly: "She Sang the Red River Valley" Written by: P. Bennett Album: Live at Stubbs Reckless Records Produced by: Reckless Kelly and Merel Bregante Recorded live at Stubbs Bar B-Que by: Merel Bregante and Tony Young Mastered by: Jerry Tubb Cody Braun Fiddle, Mandolin, Harp & Harmony Vocals Willy Braun Acoustic & Electric Rhythm Guitars & Lead Vocals Jay Nazz Drums, Percussion Casey Pollock Lead Guitars Chris Schelske Bass & Harmony Vocals ================== = Chord Index = = G 320033 = = C x32010 = = D xx0212 = = C9 x32033 = ==================Intro riff: G C9 G Repeat once e: 3 3 B: 3 3 G: 0 0 0 D: 0h2 0 2 A: 0h2 2 3 E: 2s3 3 x Riff 1: Option 1 Option 2 C9 G C G e: 3 3 e: 0 0 0 0 3 B: 3 3 B: 1 1 1 1 3 G: 0 0 G: 0 0 0 0 0 D: 2 0 D: 2 2 0 0 0 A: 3 3 2 0 2 A: 3 3 2 0 2 E: x x x 3 E: x x x x 3 Riff 2: e: 222 222 Repeat 2 times B: 111 111 G: 222 222 D:0 x A:x 0 E:x x D C G At general delivery, she picks up her mail D G Mama says Johnny just got out of jail D(riff 2) She hopes he don't know where she's at C9(riff 1) G How could she had ever loved that kind of cat C D G She remembers the dance in the moonlight C D G From the hall to the back of his car G C He taught her how to drink whiskey D C9(riff 1) G Three chords on a pawnshop guitar C D G She remembers the first time he kissed her C D G Back when the feeling was new G C She sang the Red River Valley D C9(riff 1) G C9 G For the cowboy who loved her so true D C G She's working each night at what she knows best D G Hanging in bars with professional guests D (riff 2) She picks up young buckaroo C9(riff 1) G Because he reminds her of someone she knew Instrumental Break D C G Telephone rings off the hook by her bed D G The other ends Johnny with a gun to his head D(riff 2) Said you always looked good in black C9(riff 1) G The next thing she heard was a bone chilling crack C D G She pulled into town just at sunrise C D G Mama had strong coffee on G C Said "You know he's always been crazy D C9(riff 1) G Its best for us all that he's gone" Instrumental Break G C So at the request of the family G D Service was held for a few G C She sang the Red River Valley D C9(riff 1) G For the cowboy who loved her so true C D G She remembered the dance in the moon light C D G From the hall to the back of his car G C He taught her how to drink whiskey D C9(riff 1) G Three chords on a pawn shop guitar C D G She remembered the first time he kissed her C D G Back when the feeling was new G C She sang the Red River Valley D C9(riff 1) G For the cowboy who loved her so true
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