God's Own Drunk tabs - Jimmy Buffett

Jimmy Buffett Chords Jimmy Buffett Lyrics

How to Play "God's Own Drunk" Guitar tabs

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Gods Own Drunk
By Lord Richard Buckley
Performed by Jimmy Buffett

The "singing" riff is finger picking 
going back and forth between E7 and A7, 
much like Riff A. Pretty much an ad lib.
Improvisation is encoraged. 

There are lines such as “I took a slash” where the 
A7 is built up and then one E7 is slammed and then 
muted.  There is a long pause and the E7-A7 
ad lib resumes.  

The outro is a variation of the last 4 measures 
of the intro with emphasis on the C7-B7 descent 
and the E chord is strummed replacing the lead 
in the intro


Riff A 

B-0------3------3-----2-----2------2---00----- G-1------1------1-x--0-----0------0---01------ D-0----------0-----x--2--2-----2-------00-stop A-2-2-------2-----x--0--0-----0-------02------ E-0-0---------------------------------------00 E------0-3-b-up-33333333333-down-------------- B-0-3----------------------------------------- G--------------------------------------------- D--------------------------------------------- A--------------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------------- E-3-0--------0-------- B-------0-3-----0----- G-------------------0- Riff A D--------------------- A--------------------- E--------------------- E---0-0--------0---------0--------0---------- Bx-0----0--------0---------0--------0-------- Gx-1-------1---------1--------1---------1---- Dx-0----------------------------------------- Ax-2----------------------------------------- Ex-0----------------------------------------- E-------------------------------------------- B-------------------------------------------- G-------------------------------------------- D-------------0-2-0-------0------------------ A-------0-2------------3------0-------------- E-0-3---------------------------------------- E----3------2---2---------------------------- B----x---x-0----0---x------------------------ G-3-3--x--2----2----x------------------------ D-2-2--x--1-1----1-x------------------------- A-3-----x--2-2----2-x------------------------ E-------------------------------------------- E----3--------2------------------------------ B----x--------0----0------------------------- G-3-3-2--2-2-2—1----------------------------- D-2-2-2--1-1-1--2---------------------------- A-3-3-3--2-2-2--2---------------------------- E--------------------0----------------------- E-------------------------------------------- B------3--2-1----0--------------------------- G-2/4-----3-2-0-1---------------------------- D------------------2-----------1------------- A------------------2--0-1-2----2------------- E-------------------0---------------0-------- Well, like I've explained in this town many times before I ain't a drinkin' man. I quit in Miami on Sunday. As my knees were shakin' and my teeth were chatterin', I swore I would never do it again. But I had promised my brother-in-law that I'd watch his still while he went into town to vote. An' it was right up on the mountain where the map said it would be. Friends let me tell you one thing it wadn't no ordinary still. Stood up there on that mountain like a huuuuuuuge golden opal, God's little lanterns 's twinklin' on and off in the heavens God's big ol' yella moon was shinin' on the cool clear evenin', Like I've explained many times before, I ain't a drinkin' man, But, on that particular occasion, the temptation got the best of me, and This feelin' comes over me and I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I- took a slaaaash... Shew! That yella whiskey runnin' down my throat tast like honeydew vine water, and I took another slash. Took another and another and another, an' 'fore I knew it I'd downed one whole jug o' that s**t and commenced to get hot flashes. Goosepimples 's runnin' up and down my body All the sudden this, this feelin' comes over me do-do-do-do-do 's like, somethin' I'd never experienced before, 's like, 's like I was in love, In love for the nine hundred and 35th time With anything that moooooved... Animate, in-animate, conehead, no cone it didn't matter. 's like there's this, this great neon sign flashin' on and off in my brain sayin', "Jimmy Buffett... you fool. There's a great day a comin'..." 'Cause I was DRUNK! I wadn't knee-crawlin', Coral Reeferin' (yeah I've seen that) Commode-huggin' drunk. No, I was God's own drunk, and a fearless man. And That's When I first-saw-the-bear. He was a Kodiak lookin' fella 'bout 19 feet tall He rambled up over the hill 'spectin' me to do one of two things: flip or fly, I didn't do either one. Hung him up. Started sniffin' 'round my body tryin' to smell a little fear, But he ain't gonna smell it, 'cause I'm God's own drunk and a fearless man. Hung him up. I had him on the run, I thought to myself. Until he ate my sunglasses to show me he was a badass. And I had just stolen them from Eckerd's and I was really p**sed off! Had a eight dollar price tag on the son of a b***hes, you know? So when he pulled 'em off my eyes was a lot redder than his was. It hung him up. So I said uh, "Mr. Bear... Sir. 's 'at resPECTful way you say sir, you know. It's like when you drivin' down the highway and ya got, feelin' pretty confident because you got a fuzz buster in you're car and you got nineteen smushed out joints an empty vial on the front seat and twenty seven cases of Budweiser in the back seat and the cops stop ya, ya know. Yes sir! I wadn't doin' s**t! Then he leans on ya, you know. So ya gotta be nice and ya go "Please don't take me in 'cause my old lady'll kick my ass. I's only supposed to go down to Buckhead to get the paper, next thing I knew I was on I-75 headed for Florida! Oh I'm in trouble now. Got any tickets to the baaaaaall?" Sir. I love every hair on your 27 acre body. I know you got a lotta friends over there on the other side of Stone Mountain. There's ole' RareBear TallBear FreddyBear KellyJair RellyBear Smellyth'Bear Smokeyth'Bear Pokeyth'Bear; I want you to go back over there tonight and you tell 'em I'm feelin' right. Tell 'em I love each and every one of 'em like a brother and a sisterrrrr; But! If they give me any trouble tonight, As much as I hate to do it, I'm gonna have to run every Goddamned one of 'em Right off the hill." That's what I told him. Well He took two steps back; He didn't know what to say. Neither did I, (scared the s**t out of me) But I was God's own drunk and a fearless man, I said uh, "Mr. Bear, you know in the eyes of the Loorrrd, We're both beasts when it comes right down to it. So I want you to be my buddy, 'Buddy Bear.'" He's gonna be on Hollywood Squares next week. So I took ole' Buddy Bear by his island sized paw and I led him to the still. He's a' sniffin' around that thing 'cause he's smellin' somethin' good. I 'on't blame 'im. So I gave him one of them jugs of honeydew vine water, he downed it upright, (looked like one of them bears in the circus sippin' sasparilly in the moonlight.) I gave him another and another and another Before 'e knew it, he'd downed about eight of 'em and commenced to do the "bear dance." First of all you gotta slide into second brase, break y'r leg, Two sniffs, a snort, a fly, a turn and a grunt; It was so simple like the boogaloo, Plumb evaded me. And we worked ourselves into a tumultuous uproar I's awful tired, went over to the hillside, laid down, Slept for four hours, and dreamt me some tremulous dreams (I think Cheryl Tiegs was in one of 'em, I 'on't know) Oh-ho, yeah. Oh-ho... Big ol' American breasts, you know? Hoho! An' wh' When I woke up, (I didn't wanna wake up. I's out there uh, "Gone to the Bahamas!") But when I woke up, there was God's yella moon shinin' on the cool clear evenin', God's little lant

Jimmy Buffett Chords & Tabs List

  1. A Lot To Drink About Chords
  2. A Pirate Looks At Forty Chords
  3. A Sailors Christmas Chords
  4. A Salty Piece Of Land Chords
  5. African Friend Chords
  6. African Friend (intro) Tabs
  7. All The Ways I Want You Chords
  8. Another Saturday Night Chords
  9. Anything, Anytime, Anywhere Chords
  10. Audience Of One Chords
  11. Back To The Island Tabs
  12. Bama Breeze Chords
  13. Banana Republics Chords
  14. Barefoot Children Chords
  15. Beach House On The Moon Chords
  16. Beautiful Swimmers Tabs
  17. Biloxi Chords
  18. Boat Drinks Chords
  19. Boats To Build (no Capo) Chords
  20. Boomerang Love Chords
  21. Brand New Country Star Chords
  22. Breathe In, Breathe Out, Move On Chords
  23. Brown Eyed Girl Chords
  24. Brown Eyed Girl (lead) Tabs
  25. Bubbles Up Chords
  26. Burn That Bridge Chords
  27. California Promises Chords
  28. Changes In Latitudes Chords
  29. Changing Channels Chords
  30. Chanson Pour Les Petits Enfants (no Capo) Chords
  31. Cheeseburger In Paradise Chords
  32. Christmas In The Caribbean Chords
  33. Cinco De Mayo In Memphis Tabs
  34. Close Calls Chords
  35. Coast Of Carolina Chords
  36. Coast Of Marseilles Chords
  37. Coastal Confessions Chords
  38. Coconut Telegraph Chords
  39. Columbus Chords
  40. Come Monday Chords
  41. Come To The Moon Chords
  42. Cowboy In The Jungle Chords
  43. Creola Chords
  44. Cuban Crime Of Pasion Chords
  45. Cultural Infidel Chords
  46. Death Of An Unpopular Poet Chords
  47. Distantly In Love Chords
  48. Door Number Three Chords
  49. Dreamsicle Chords
  50. Equal Strain On All Parts Chords
  51. Everybody's Got A Cousin In Miami Tabs
  52. False Echos (havana 1921) Chords
  53. Far Side Of The World Chords
  54. Fins Chords
  55. Fish Porn Chords
  56. Flesh And Bone Chords
  57. Floridays Chords
  58. Frank And Lola Chords
  59. Getting The Picture Chords
  60. God Dont Own A Car Chords
  61. God's Own Drunk Tabs
  62. Grapefruit Juicey-fuit Tab (with Correct Intro) Tabs
  63. Grapefruit-juicy Fruit Chords
  64. Great Filling Station Holdup Chords
  65. Great Heart Chords
  66. Growing Older But Not Up Chords
  67. Happily Ever After Chords
  68. Happily Ever After (now And Then) Chords
  69. Havana Day Dreamin' Chords
  70. Havana Daydreamin Tabs
  71. Hello Texas Chords
  72. Hey Good Lookin' Chords
  73. Ho Ho Ho And A Bottle Of Rhum Chords
  74. Holiday Tabs
  75. I Don't Know And I Don't Care Chords
  76. I Have Found Me A Home Chords
  77. I Heard I Was In Town Chords
  78. I Will Play For Gumbo Chords
  79. If I Could Just Get It On Paper Chords
  80. If It All Falls Down Chords
  81. If The Phone Doesn't Ring (capo) Chords
  82. In The Shelter Chords
  83. Incomunicado Chords
  84. Island Fever Chords
  85. It's Five O'clock Somewhere Chords
  86. It's Midnight And I'm Not Famous Yet Chords
  87. It's My Job Chords
  88. Jamacia Mistaca Chords
  89. Jamaican Farewell Chords
  90. Jimmy Dreams Tabs
  91. Johnny's Rhum Chords
  92. Jolly Mon Chords
  93. Jolly Mon Sing Tabs
  94. Knees Of My Heart Chords
  95. L'aire De La Louisiane Chords
  96. La Vie Dansante' Chords
  97. Landfall Chords
  98. Last Mango In Paris Chords
  99. Life Is Just A Tire Swing Chords
  100. Like My Dog Chords
  101. Little Miss Magic Chords
  102. Living It Up Chords
  103. Livingston Saturday Night Chords
  104. Lone Plam Chords
  105. Love In The Library Chords
  106. Lovely Cruise Chords
  107. Mademoiselle (voulez-vous Danser) Chords
  108. Makin' Music For Money Chords
  109. Manana Chords
  110. Margaritaville Chords
  111. Margaritaville 2 Chords
  112. Math Sux Chords
  113. Meet Me In Memphis Chords
  114. Meet Me In Memphis (capo) Chords
  115. Merry Christmas Alabama Chords
  116. Mexico Chords
  117. Migration Chords
  118. Miss You So Badly Chords
  119. Mother Ocean Chords
  120. Mozambique Chords
  121. My Gummie Just Kicked In Chords
  122. My Lovely Lady Chords
  123. Nautical Wheelers Chords
  124. No Plane On Sunday Chords
  125. No Woman No Cry Chords
  126. Nobody Works On Friday Chords
  127. Nothin' But A Breeze Chords
  128. Off To See The Lizard Chords
  129. One Particular Harbor Chords
  130. Pascagoula Run Chords
  131. Peanut Butter Conspiracy Chords
  132. Pencil Thin Moustache Chords
  133. Piece Of Work (w/toby Keith) Chords
  134. Please Take Your Girlfriend Home Chords
  135. Portugal Or PEI Chords
  136. Pre You Chords
  137. Quietly Making Noise Tabs
  138. Ragtop Day Chords
  139. Remitance Man Chords
  140. Ringling, Ringling Chords
  141. Sail On Sailor Chords
  142. Savannah Fare You Well Chords
  143. Savannah Fare You Will (album Version) Chords
  144. Saxaphones Chords
  145. Scarlet Begonias Chords
  146. Semi True Story Chords
  147. Sending The Old Man Home Chords
  148. She's Going Out Of My Mind Chords
  149. Simply Complicated Chords
  150. Six String Music Chords
  151. Someday I Will Chords
  152. Somethin' 'bout A Boat Chords
  153. Somewhere Over China Chords
  154. Son Of A Sailor(capo) Chords
  155. Son Of A Son Of A Sailor Chords
  156. Southern Cross Chords
  157. Stars Fell On Alabama Chords
  158. Steamer Chords
  159. Steamer (correct W/lead) Chords
  160. Summerzcool Chords
  161. Surfing In A Hurricane Chords
  162. Survive Chords
  163. Take Another Road Chords
  164. Tampico Trauma Chords
  165. That's What Living Is To Me Tabs
  166. That's What Living Is To Me (fixed) Chords
  167. The California Promises Chords
  168. The Captain And The Kid Chords
  169. The Good Fight Chords
  170. The Night I Painted The Sky Chords
  171. The Tiki Bar Is Open Chords
  172. The Weather Is Here, I Wish You Were Beautiful Chords
  173. The Wino And I Know Chords
  174. They Don't Dance Like Carmen Tabs
  175. They Don't Dance Like Carmen No More Chords
  176. Ti Punch Café Chords
  177. Tides Chords
  178. Tin Cup Chalice Chords
  179. Treat Her Like A Lady Chords
  180. Treetop Flyer Chords
  181. Trip Around The Sun Chords
  182. Trip Around The Sun (no Capo) Chords
  183. Trying To Reason With The Hurricane Season Chords
  184. Twelve Volt Man Chords
  185. Uncle Johns Band Chords
  186. University Of Bourbon Street Chords
  187. Uss Zydecoldsmobile Chords
  188. Vampires, Mummies And The Holy Ghost Chords
  189. Volcano Chords
  190. Volcano v2 Chords
  191. We Are The People Our Parents Warned Us About Chords
  192. We'll Burn That Bridge When We Come To It Chords
  193. Were You Born An Asshole Chords
  194. West Nashville Grand Ballroom Gown Chords
  195. What If The Hokey Pokey Is All It Really Is About Chords
  196. When The Coast Is Clear Chords
  197. When The Wild Life Betrays Me Chords
  198. Where's The Party Chords
  199. Who's The Blonde Stranger Chords
  200. Why Don't We Get Drunk Tabs
  201. Why Don't We Get Drunk ( New Version ) Chords
  202. Why You Wanna Hurt My Heart Chords
  203. Window On The World Chords
  204. Woman Goin' Crazy On Caroline Street Chords
  205. Wonder Why We Ever Go Home Chords