You Got Away With It chords - Todd Snider
How to Play "You Got Away With It" Guitar chords
You Got Away With It (A Tale of Two Fraternity Brothers) By Todd Snider 7/30/2011 Capo 2 Intro: C G D A tale of two frat brothers G A memoir C Remember that kid we beat up back in college G Me you and Thompson out in front of the Frat A And that Hippy ran home crying to his parents D I can't believe you got us out of that CHow sweet was that, God we were drunk G Drove around all night after with that keg in the trunk D G And when the cop pulled us over you talked us out of that too Chorus: C G You got away with it, you got away D G You get away with the things that you say I had to quit partying about a year and a half after you did I don't regret it though, I think it was fun Besides it was the seventies, we were a couple of rich kids And aside from that one Hippy we never realy hurt anyone Well, there's that other thing that I won't even say As God is my witness I'll take that to my grave Cause that was an accident and you did what you had to do Chorus 2: You got away with it, you got away You get away with the things that you say I'll worry forever but never for you You'll get away with it,.you always do You'll get away with this new thing too You never did tell me what happened with you and your brother down there in Florida I heard they gave you a hell of a time Everybody around here was afraid you might lose I told them not to worry cause I knew you'd be fine You had me out here to Camp David a few times over the years I think the first time we were teenagers sneaking beers Look at you now you old son-of-a-b***h You got the run of this place. Unbelievable Chorus 2
Todd Snider Chords & Tabs List
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- Alot More Chords
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- Beer Run 2 Chords
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- Carla Chords
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- Deja Blues Chords
- Doublewide Blues Chords
- East Nashville Skyline Chords
- Easy Money Chords
- Enough Chords
- Feel Like I'm Falling In Love Chords
- Forty Five Miles Chords
- Godsend Chords
- Happy New Year Chords
- Happy To Be Here Chords
- I Can Drink Any Woman Pretty Chords
- I Can't Complain Chords
- I Spoke As A Child Chords
- I Spoke As A Child (correct Version) Chords
- I Will Not Go Hungry Chords
- Incarcerated Chords
- Iron Mike's Main Man's Last Request Chords
- Just Like Old Times Chords
- Keep Off The Grass Chords
- Lonely Girl Chords
- Long Year Chords
- Money Compliments Publicity Chords
- Money, Compliments And Publicity Chords
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- Sunshine Chords
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- Tension Chords
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- This Land Is Our Land Chords
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- You Got Away With It Chords
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