100percent Texan chords - Kevin Fowler

Kevin Fowler Chords Kevin Fowler Lyrics

How to Play "100percent Texan" Guitar chords

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100% Texan by Kevin Fowler
From the album Beer, Bait & Ammo
available @ www.kevinfowler.com
Submitted by D.H. Badger

(CHORUS)           G	       C
Well, I love the sound of the rain on a tin roof
G		  D
On a hot summer night
	 G	     C
Love to hear those hound dogs barkin’
G			D
Howlin’ at the full moonlight
	 G	     C
Love to see those fireflies buzzin’
G			  D
Lightin’ up the southern sky
        G      C     G     D	  G		
I’m hell-bent 100% Texan ‘till I die

	    G	        C
Now, I’ve crossed that old state line
G		     D
More than a time or two G C If you see me leavin’ you’d best be believin’ G D G I’ll be back before the week gets through G C G D If I stay gone too long no tellin’ what I’ll do G C I might hijack a plane, I might jump a freight train G D G To get back home, it’s true (chorus) G C Now, I don’t mind going to Oklahoma G D Ain’t never met an Okie that I didn’t like G C I don’t mind New York City G D Those Yankees talk funny but they’re all right G C I don’t mind goin’ to Louisiana (pronounced weezy-anna in Texas) G D They’re red hot Cajun cookin’ suits me fine G C If I had my way I’d be home today G D G On my front porch drinkin’ moonshine (chorus) G C G D G Yea now, I’m hell-bent 100% Texan ‘till I die

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