J.O.B. chords - Kevin Fowler

Kevin Fowler Chords Kevin Fowler Lyrics

How to Play "J.O.B." Guitar chords

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  D E A 
Ei ght Monday mornin? and I ?m in my bed as leep 
  D E 
Well now, no be ll ring-a-linging tellin? me i t?s time 
to hit the st reet 
  D E 
Oh, no, don?t you kn ock on my door, ?cause  I ain?t 
  A D 
Tell the bo ss-man I?ve quit or I?ve di ed or something 
I?m do ing all those things I?ve always said I wanted 
to d o 
(chorus) D 
I don?t want no J.O.B. 
B ringin? me 
D own like a damn dog to my knees 
  D E A 
All w ork and no play a in?t no way for me to li ve 
  D E 
My d ay?s too short, I ain?t g ot no time 
A G ot one life, it?s gonna be mine D E A Livin? w ild and free, don?t w ant no J.O. B. D E Well now, the la ndlord?s knocking, o h, I?m in one hell A of a me ss D E A And I j ust got a letter from the fo lks at the I.R. S. D E The bi lls are piled high and the gr ass needs mowin? A D Think I?ll ju mp in my truck and just ke ep on goin? D F ind me a place where the drinks are free E And the pr etty girls all love me (chorus) D A Seems a ll I ever do is work these fin gers to the bone D E If th is is all that life can offer, I?d ra ther be dead and gone. (chorus) D Y ea now, I?m livin? wild and free E A Don?t w ant no J.O. B.

Kevin Fowler Chords & Tabs List